Friday, February 1, 2013

The Vampire Diaries 
4x12- A View to Kill

Can I just say- What an episode!! You gotta love an episode that starts out with Stefan doing a walk of shame and getting caught by his ambiguously gay partner, Klaus, after having boinked his sister. 

Turns out there's another decade dance. This time it's the 80's. I know you are thinking- lame! But don't worry... (spoiler alert- it gets cancelled)

 Bonnie is covering for Caroline, who is missing in this episode. :( And she's whining to Elena about how she needs to fill up 99 red balloons. Elena is filling Bonnie in on her awful plan to kill Kol to help speed Jeremy's mark along. 

 For once we get to see our two human guys doing what human guys do- Play video games. Matt has off from the Grill and they are kicking back relaxing. And Elena is whining that there isn't enough killing going on or something. I kind of tuned out for the details of her yet again awful plan. 

 Then Bonnie's Dad calls her to cancel the dance. Doh! 

To make matters worse, Kol shows up and tries to kill Bonnie.

I'm thinking Caroline killing her over balloons may be the least of her worries now. 

Back in the Salvatore house, Stefan has Damon locked up so that he won't kill Jeremy. 

Stefan knows that Damon will be bored so he brings Klaus along to babysit and let them have a little "Villain bonding time" I swear they are giving Stefan the best lines this season. 

Klaus lets it slip that Stefan and Bex were caught doing the nasty this morning and because they share pretty much all of their women, Damon is not shocked. 

Stefan gets an awkward call from Elena where she fills him in on her horrible plan to kill Kol and dagger Bex.

Speaking of Kol, he's on his way to see Elena

The next part reminds me of a bad horror movie: 

The other thing that cracks me up about this show is the props. 

Bex confronts Stefan about his motive behind sleeping with her. 

In Damon's basement, Klaus turns to Damon. 

The whole middle part of the show was a bit slow moving while Elena distracted Kol while Matt was off finding the dagger and Jeremy was tracking down Bonnie. Kol was going on and on about his upcoming pilot... 

Matt was having no luck finding the dagger in Bex's room.

Meanwhile, Bonnie's Dad was staging a witchervention back at his house and he even called in the bug guns. 

Jeremy stopped by and got all homicidal on Mama Vamp until Bonnie flirted him back down. 

Meanwhile, back at the cancelled dance, Stefan tries to keep Bex distracted with his charming ways. He gives her a koala corsage and seems to be genuinely nice to her. 

Can I just ask where this high school gets the money to decorate for these dances? They have custom lighting for goodness sake! I didn't even think there were enough adults alive in Mystic Falls to have jobs to make money for these things. 

Meanwhile, back at villain bonding... Klaus asks Damon how Elena could still love him after all the awful things he's done to her. 

Klaus propses they work together to find the cure. 

And then, as it usually does when two baddies try to be friends, it goes horribly awry. Klaus then tries to compel Damon to stay put. 

 For those of you who missed it, apparently Damon and Ian share the practice of refilling their water bottles from the tap and Damon had been drinking the town water. *No Compulsion*

Meanwhile, we visit the cancelled dance a third time. If this were a Stelena or Delena scene, it would be 30 seconds in length, but because it's Stefan and Bex, it's half the episode. 

And to solidify my love for this man, he does the hallway slide from the Breakfast Club. (Ok, now I forgive you for dragging this non-dance scene out)

Turns out, I am not the only one wooed by Stefan's hallway slide and Bex turns over the dagger to Stefan. 

Back at the Gilbert House, Jeremy finally arrives and lots of fighting between the Gilbert siblings and Kol ensues. It ends terribly for Kol though. 

 RIP Kol and your bat and your funky new hair. On a serious note, those were some serious special effects. I'm still trying to figure out if they did this with CGI or if some poor stunt man was set ablaze. 

Unfortunately, they had an audience- Klaus. He was less than happy that he didn't get to put Mr. Pointy into his brother's heart himself. 

Stefan breaks the news to Bex that Elena killed her baby bro and that he'd still do anything to protect Elena and her brother, oh and even Damon. Bex was not a happy camper. 

Back at Salvatore Central, Elena and Damon have a short but sweet reunion and pretty soon the gang's all there. 

After super snarky Stefan makes some crass remarks to Damon, Damon spills the beans that Stefan and Bex bumped uglies the night before. Elena gets upset and Stefan tells Damon to use the sire bond to control his woman. Well, that goes over like a fart in church, and Damon gives Stefan a long overdue punch.  (I love you Stefan, but you kind of had that coming)

 So here's where I'm like, "Oh no!, They're fighting again, how awful." When suddenly there was a magnificent event that broke up the fight and got everyone's undivided attention. 

 And I am now at a loss for words. I'm sure that the episode ended, but I'll be darned if I can remember anything after Jer tore off his clothing. In fact, just this picture is making me a little short of breath. 

Can't wait for next week!

Some thoughts:
Who's going to be naked next week?
What are they going to do with a living room full of Klaus?
Where will he pee while they are gone?
Do vampires pee?
Who is going to decipher that map on Jer's fabulous chiseled chest?
How awkward is that road trip going to be now that everyone has swapped "dance" partners and knows about it?

Thanks to Jo for helping me out with some witty quotes. :)

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